Jackie Lam

Jackie Lam is a freelance writer with experience covering small business, budgeting, freelancing and money, and personal finance. She has written for more than 60 outlets, including Salon.com, GOOD and Business Insider. She is currently working on her AFC® financial coaching certification to help artists and freelancers.

Articles by Jackie Lam

Worst Part of Holidays for 52% of U.S. Consumers Is Wrapping Gifts

Among a litany of annoyances and “things we would rather avoid,” nothing warrants a holiday groan more than wrapping gifts. According to a recent survey... read more

U.S. Consumers Say Shopping Online for Groceries Is Here to Stay

Many Americans rely on their phones for everything from catching up with friends to staying on top of the news to streaming videos. And new... read more

Pandemic Ignites Millennials to Focus on End-of-Life Planning

As the coronavirus pandemic increased anxiety and upended many lives, it led U.S. millennials to get more serious about end-of-life planning. According to new research... read more

Pandemic Sparks Greater Entrepreneurship Among Gen Zers

The coronavirus pandemic has created a host of issues and challenges for many Americans, regardless of their age. And while Gen Zers have suffered from... read more

Online-Only Grocery Shoppers Most Loyal to Brands

The coronavirus pandemic has no doubt accelerated online shopping trends. And it turns out that consumers who only shop online for groceries are more loyal... read more

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