Headshot of Melissa Wylie

Melissa Wylie

Melissa Wylie is a former senior small business writer for LendingTree. In her role, Melissa explored all aspects of business ownership, from the start to the sale to all the hurdles in between.

Articles by Melissa Wylie

Demographics of Business Owners in Hardest-Hit Industries During Coronavirus Pandemic

Young entrepreneurs are disproportionately suffering in the U.S. industries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. LendingTree researchers found that 45% of businesses with owners younger... read more

States With the Most Essential Businesses

A swath of the U.S. from the south Atlantic into the heartland has the greatest number of businesses deemed essential during a stay-at-home order. Nonessential... read more

46% of Small Business Owners Concerned They Don’t Have Enough Money to Reopen

Even as states and cities allow more businesses to reopen, many entrepreneurs are anxious about doing so. Nearly half of small business owners worry they... read more

States Getting the Most Help From PPP Loans

States throughout the Great Plains are so far seeing the biggest impact of Paycheck Protection Program loans — funds designed to help small businesses stay... read more

Half of Americans Want More Local Businesses in Their Communities

Despite an abundance of online retailers and chain stores, most Americans remain loyal to local businesses and want more small shops in their communities, according... read more

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