Melissa Wylie

Melissa Wylie is a former senior small business writer for LendingTree. In her role, Melissa explored all aspects of business ownership, from the start to the sale to all the hurdles in between.

Articles by Melissa Wylie

How to Write a Business Plan

Writing a business plan illustrates how you’ll turn an idea into a profitable venture, breaking down each step along the way. A business plan provides... read more

Understanding the Confession of Judgment (COJ)

A confession of judgment (COJ) is a legal agreement that, once signed, indicates a borrower accepts liability for their loan, waiving all legal defenses if... read more

What Is a Factor Rate and How Do You Calculate It?

Factor rates are used to calculate the cost of certain business financing products, such as merchant cash advances. Factor rates are written as decimal figures... read more

How to Understand a Business Loan Agreement

The purpose of a business loan agreement is to document that you’re borrowing money from a lender, whether that be a bank, family member or... read more

What Is a DBA, and Do I Need One?

A DBA, or “doing business as,” allows business owners to conduct business under a name separate from their own or the formal name of their... read more

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