A personal loan gives you a lump sum of money that you will pay back in equal monthly payments, plus interest. Banks, credit unions and online lenders offer these and other types of loans.
You can use a personal loan for almost anything, but some lenders won’t let you use one to pay for your college tuition. That said, tuition isn’t the only expense you’ll face when going to college. You’ll also have to pay for food, rent, books, gas and car insurance, for instance.
It’s not a great idea to take on debt for everyday living expenses, but if you were planning on using a credit card anyway, a personal loan might be a better option.
Loans for college students tend to have lower rates than cards if you have excellent credit (or a co-borrower with excellent credit). Plus, a credit card takes discipline. If you aren’t careful, you could rack up a ton of debt, since they’re easy to use. Personal loans give you one-time access to money, which you can then budget as you see fit.

LendingTree helped nearly 23,000 people aged 18 to 25 get personal loans in 2023.