A medical loan isn’t always the best choice, particularly if you have bad credit. Before applying for a medical loan with bad credit, consider these alternatives:
Medical credit card
Some doctors and hospitals offer medical credit cards as a way to finance medical expenses. Another financing option is the CareCredit® credit card — issued by Synchrony Bank — which comes with zero interest during the first six to 24 months on purchases of at least $200.
Payment plan
Some doctors and hospitals offer payment plans to help patients spread out the cost of their medical care. Be sure to ask your medical provider about payment plans before receiving care and ask about any interest and fees.
Nonprofit assistance
Organizations like the Patient Advocate Foundation and the National Organization for Rare Disorders can help you cover the cost of out-of-pocket expenses that come with expensive procedures, disorders and illnesses.
Family loan
While this can come with its own set of complications, borrowing from family or friends may be a good option if you’re certain that you can repay the loan. To avoid conflict, it’s best to draw up a loan agreement so you have the loan terms and conditions in writing.